8/52 GR Masters: What Does 50 Years of Love Look Like?

“I don’t count it a burden whatever to have to care for her. I need to do everything from the moment she gets up from the moment she goes to bed… everything... I count it a great privilege to care for this woman I’ve loved all these years and continue to love…. Our story’s been a lovely story.”

I've had so many young people talk to me who are afraid of marriage... because how could love really last a lifetime, especially when so many have seen so few great examples of marriage, if they've even seen any at all? As in anything great in life, we must study the masters. Stop studying the marriage idiots, folks. Study those who know what they are doing. Here's one example of what love really looks like over the long haul. Meet Bill and Glad, who are celebrating 50 years together of loving and serving one another.

Thanks, Jessica, for sharing this one with me and now with everyone here.

Vid name: What Is Love?"