8/52 GR Masters: What Does 50 Years of Love Look Like?

8/52 GR Masters: What Does 50 Years of Love Look Like?

I've had so many young people talk to me who are afraid of marriage... because how could love really last a lifetime, especially when so many have seen so few great examples of marriage, if they've even seen any at all? As in anything great in life we must study the masters. Stop studying the marriage idiots, folks. Study those who know what they are doing. Here's one example of what love really looks like over the long haul.

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7/52 GR Masters: Husband Sees His Wife for the First Time Again

7/52 GR Masters: Husband Sees His Wife for the First Time Again

You need to see this video as this this young husband wakes up groggily from anesthesia after yet another surgery to find to his great surprise that he's married to "the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen. Are you a model?" He's further surprised and overjoyed to learn that she is his wife!

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4/52 GR Masters: Kristian made this birthday video for his wife before he died from cancer

4/52 GR Masters: Kristian made this birthday video for his wife before he died from cancer

Not too shabby this... Kristian Anderson made this birthday video for his wife Rachel before he died of cancer. It went viral as did their story. I'll let the vids tell their story better than I can... 

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2/52 GR Masters: An Evening at the Waldorf

2/52 GR Masters: An Evening at the Waldorf

One rainy October evening, thirty years ago, I sat in my room at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, staring at a navigation lesson and thinking of Jean. I had met her the previous August in Chicago, just before my summer leave expired, and I had fallen in love with her. Three days later I was back in Annapolis, surrounded by rules and regulations, while she was a thousand miles away, surrounded by eligible bachelors. Things looked bleak indeed.

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