9/52 GR Masters: Love & Romance Don't Fade with Age

A college dorm mate of mine, Aldo Edwards, shared the following lovely moment where he witnessed two GREAT Relationship Masters in action:

"I saw an ancient fellow, bent over with age, shuffle slowly, S-L-O-W-L-Y, around his table to tie a bib around his wife's neck and give her a kiss as they prepared to enjoy a beautiful meal together at Chefs de France in Disney World's Epcot Park. It made everyone in the restaurant, including the jaded young French waitress, tear up. Apparently, love and romance don't fade with age. Nice to know."

It is indeed nice to know. All the GREAT Relationship Masters I have studied over the years know one simple truth: "GREAT relationships don't just happen... they are created." Love and romance don't fade with age with these masters because love and romance doesn't "just come and go." Instead, it's a prized possession of theirs that they care for, tend to, and nurture carefully day after day, year after year.