Family Fun: Killer Candy Land

Family Fun: Killer Candy Land

The following is just complete nonsense. My 21 year old son, 16 year old daughty, and I played made this up one Sunday afternoon.  Obviously it's a little kid's game they wanted to play for nostalgia's sake. I groaned and complained it's so boring. So we agreed we would make it more interesting by calling it "Killer Candy Land." Here are the rules...

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Family Fun: Paper Mache (Papier Mâché) Masks

Family Fun: Paper Mache (Papier Mâché) Masks

Sunday afternoon the question was asked, "Are we doing anything?" Rather than letting the moment pass and all the kids scurry off to their own isolating activities I said, "I'm going to make a paper mache helmet. Who wants to join me?" Most scurried off, but I started my preparations anyway knowing that I would likely entice a kiddo or two once they saw what was going on. It worked! I snagged Molly and she made a cute mouse and I made an elephant. We had no idea what we were going to make until we started. Most importantly we had a great time together.

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Quick Bonding Activity: "All About..."

Quick Bonding Activity: "All About..."

Occasionally, in church, I like to pass around to each family member a piece of paper titled, "All About (Name): (Name) Is..." And then let each family member add whatever kind of observation they have about that person. The benefits are simple and important: The writer is able to reflect on the good qualities of that person and the recipient gets to feel great and appreciated. It's a quick, simple, yet meaningful, way to feel connected and to further solidify the family bond and loyalty to one another. It's also interesting and fun to find out what each other notice about each other.

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