Why You Should Respect the Mother of Your Child(ren)

Why You Should Respect the Mother of Your Child(ren)

You may have a great relationship with your child(ren)'s mother or you may not. But you should always respect her. Why? Well, there may be many reasons but here's one: She gave you your child (whom I'm assuming that you, like me, consider your greatest treasure). Now let's look at the basic math here:

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Happy(?) Fathers Day...

Happy(?) Fathers Day...

Happy Fathers Day! To those of you who have, or had, great dads, rejoice! I know, however, there are many who had absent fathers, abusive "sperm donors" and/or downright crummy dads. For them, Fathers Day isn't a day of pleasant memories of the man who mentored them into adulthood but is a day of harsh memories and broken hearts.

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