PARENTING FINESSE Tip 10: Keep Consequences Simple, Logical & Lecture Free

PARENTING FINESSE Tip 10: Keep Consequences Simple, Logical & Lecture Free

Keep consequences simple, logical, and lecture free. For example, lately on Sunday mornings my kids have been dawdling and ending up being late for church. No big deal in the grand scheme of things. However, it's the type of thing that parents typically get bothered by when it happens repeatedly. As parents, we feel a responsibility to teach and guide our children towards respectful and appropriate behavior, such as punctuality…

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Fathering a Future Husband

Last night my cool, hip and happenin' 16-year-old son asked if I would give him and his wife mariage advice when he is married. I told him, "Of course." Now whether or not his wife will want it or not is up to her, which I respect, and it will be between them to craft their life together. What touched me was his valuing of my counsel in his life and the bond we share. I am touched to my core with the faith and trust given me from my child turned teen soon to turn man. It is for moments like that that as a father I willingly toil and labor to be the kind of man he needs and deserves to guide him. I pray that all men will rise to the challenge of this sacred calling of Fatherhood.

Parenting: Avoiding Power Struggles, Part I

Parenting: Avoiding Power Struggles, Part I

One parent recently contacted me seeking help for a common parenting problem: Power struggles. She stated that her child thinks she’s the boss, is defiant, does the opposite of what’s asked, and ignores her. Sound familiar? She lamented, as many of us have, “We’ve tried everything” and admitted that they end up resorting to yelling even though they know that’s not helpful.

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